
toolkit quicklinks

All CEO Toolkits


Resources and tips for ensuring your program meets accessibility standards.

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Campus Visits

Students eating at the Trotter House

How to plan for a campus visit and secure transportation for students.

CEO Brand Guide

In-depth guide to the CEO brand and how to use it in your materials.

College Day

Students in a circle holding pool noodles

Materials and activities used in College Day to help prepare K-12 students for college.

Design Best Practices

CEO’s recommendations, best practices, and tips for good printed and digital designs.

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Marketing Cheat Sheet

UOC table talk

A cheatsheet that provides links to all the marketing resources CEO has.

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Program Evaluation

A guide to evaluating a program. This includes clear instructions and examples.

Recommendation Letters

Requesting and writing recommendation letters for college applications.

Virtual K-12 Programming

Students working on a personal finance training

Learning has become virtual and CEO has a guide for K-12 programs going virtual.

Virtual Planning Resources

Close up on two students supporting each other

Resources and tips for planning virtual activities and programs.

Wolverine Express

Woman smiling on a bus

Activities, plans, and resources for the Wolverine Express program.

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For more information about Toolkits, Contact

Marissa Taylor, Program Manager